

黄铜 错银




'Brog mi Shā kya ye shes
Central Tibet
Brass with silver inlay
13th century
24 cm
Zhiguan Museum of Fine Art

'Brog mi Shā kya ye shes (994 – 1078) was one of the great translators of new Esoteric Buddhist texts during the Second Period of Expansion of Buddhism into Tibet. He translated numerous new works during this time, and for his major contribution to the establishment of a new canon is known as “'Brog mi the translator” in Tibetan Buddhist historical records. Lam 'bras bu dang bcas pa, the core teaching of the Sa skya pa sect, was derived from 'Brog mi the translator. Since the origin of its teachings can be traced back to ‘Brog mi, he is highly esteemed in the history of this sect. Not only was he a great translator, but also an eminent ancestral teacher. His students, including such prominent lamas as Mar pa (1012 – 1097), the founder of bKa' brgyud pa sect, 'Gos khug pa lhas btsas (11th century), and Zur po che Shā kya 'byung gnas (1002 – 1062), a prominent figure of rNying ma sect, requested instruction from him as teacher.
The figure can be identified as 'Brog mi the translator, as his image is common among statues and paintings originating in the Sa skya tradition. His facial features are extremely striking, exceptionally realistic, a peaceful and joyful facial expression as warm and inviting as an old man from the mundane world. His masculine torso is wrapped in a kāṣāya that exposes his right shoulder, a cloak draped on the outside. Seated in vajraparyaṅkāsana (cross-legged posture), the center of the feet carved with floral design in silver inlay, he makes a dharmacakra mudra (gesture of teaching) with both hands. The robe is decorated with a checkered pattern and a foliage pattern, while the edge of the cloak front is incised with a floral design and the back side is plain, the simplified pattern complementing the rising and falling feeling of the skintight robe. This is a masterpiece among its counterparts from Central Tibet. (Written by Ma Shengnan, translated by Zhan Zhenpeng)
