
  我是近 600 年的岁月,是 72 万平方米的空间,是动员百万人马搬来的无数砖瓦木石,是像一笔一画的柱额梁枋组成的一座又一座的宫院,是皇帝和他的家人,是很多很多服侍皇帝的太监和宫女,是很多很多保护皇帝和他的家人的侍卫,也是小猫咪。   家是与亲人在一起、关怀和被关怀的地方。没有这些意义,再大的房子也不能算是一个家。   紫不是颜色,而是天上的紫微星垣。   禁是守卫森严,禁止閒人接近的皇家重地。   城是大得像一座县城的皇宫。   昔日有数以万计的人在宫中生活。现在,每天有数以万计的旅客来参观。紫禁城是世界上现存最大的皇宫,也是最庞大的木结构建筑群。这样巨大的一座宫城,也是由一棵棵细小的树苗长成的,实在奇妙......   我们很高兴可以借这次展览的机会和大家分享一些紫禁城的故事。   欢迎您位临参观!   We represent a history of 600 years; a space of 720,000 square meters; mountains of bricks, tiles, timber and stones assembled by a million workers; pillars, plaques, beams and square columns shaped like the strokes of Chinese characters that made up the palace buildings for the emperor and his family; eunuchs and palace maids and regiments of guards serving and protecting the imperial family—even the kittens!   Home should be a place for you and your loved ones,   where you can love and be loved; otherwise the place, no matter how grand it is, cannot be called a home. Now, dear visitors, let’s take a walk through the emperor’s home.   ZI refers to the Ziwei enclosure, rather than zi, the color purple.   JIN refers to the heavily guarded imperial compound out of bounds to ordinary people.   CHENG, literally a city, highlights the grandeur of the palace.   The Forbidden City used to be home to tens of thousands of people. Now it is visited by tens of thousands a day. It is the largest palace and wooden architectural complex existing in the world.   Such a mighty palace should all come down to tiny seeds and seedlings? We are excited to have this opportunity to share with you some of its timeless stories.   Welcome to our six-century-old home!